Class ConversationV2<ContentTypes>


Type Parameters

  • ContentTypes



  • Type Parameters

    • ContentTypes


    • client: Client<ContentTypes>
    • topic: string

      A unique identifier for a conversation. Each conversation is stored on the network on one topic

    • peerAddress: string

      The wallet address of the other party in the conversation

    • createdAt: Date

      Timestamp the conversation was created at

    • context: undefined | InvitationContext

      Optional field containing the conversationId and metadata for V2 conversations. Will always be undefined on V1 conversations

    • consentProof: undefined | ConsentProofPayload

      Proof of consent for the conversation, used when a user has pre-consented to a conversation

    Returns ConversationV2<ContentTypes>


consentProof?: ConsentProofPayload

Proof of consent for the conversation, used when a user has pre-consented to a conversation

Optional field containing the conversationId and metadata for V2 conversations. Will always be undefined on V1 conversations

conversationVersion: "v2" = ...
createdAt: Date

Timestamp the conversation was created at

peerAddress: string

The wallet address of the other party in the conversation

topic: string

A unique identifier for a conversation. Each conversation is stored on the network on one topic

