Class MessageV2


  • MessageBase
    • MessageV2


  • MessageV2


  • Parameters

    • id: string

      Identifier that is deterministically derived from the bytes of the message header and ciphertext, where all those bytes are authenticated. This can be used in determining uniqueness of messages.

    • bytes: Uint8Array
    • obj: Message
    • header: MessageHeaderV2
    • OptionalsenderHmac: Uint8Array

      HMAC of the message ciphertext, with the HMAC key derived from the topic key

    • OptionalshouldPush: boolean

      Flag indicating whether the message should be pushed from a notification server

    Returns MessageV2


ciphertext: Ciphertext
contentType?: ContentTypeId
error?: Error
headerBytes: Uint8Array
id: string

Identifier that is deterministically derived from the bytes of the message header and ciphertext, where all those bytes are authenticated. This can be used in determining uniqueness of messages.

senderAddress: undefined | string
senderHmac?: Uint8Array

HMAC of the message ciphertext, with the HMAC key derived from the topic key

shouldPush?: boolean

Flag indicating whether the message should be pushed from a notification server



  • Parameters

    • obj: Message
    • header: MessageHeaderV2
    • bytes: Uint8Array
    • OptionalsenderHmac: Uint8Array
    • OptionalshouldPush: boolean

    Returns Promise<MessageV2>