Type Alias KeyStoreOptions

KeyStoreOptions: {
    basePersistence: Persistence;
    disablePersistenceEncryption: boolean;
    keystoreProviders: KeystoreProvider<KeystoreInterfaces>[];
    persistConversations: boolean;
    privateKeyOverride?: Uint8Array;
    useSnaps: boolean;

Type declaration

  • basePersistence: Persistence

    Override the base persistence provider. Defaults to LocalStoragePersistence, which is fine for most implementations

  • disablePersistenceEncryption: boolean

    Whether or not the persistence provider should encrypt the values. Only disable if you are using a secure datastore that already has encryption

  • keystoreProviders: KeystoreProvider<KeystoreInterfaces>[]

    Provide an array of KeystoreProviders. The client will attempt to use each one in sequence until one successfully returns a Keystore instance

  • persistConversations: boolean

    Enable the Keystore to persist conversations in the provided storage interface

  • OptionalprivateKeyOverride?: Uint8Array

    Provide a XMTP PrivateKeyBundle encoded as a Uint8Array. A bundle can be retried using Client.getKeys(...)

  • useSnaps: boolean

    A single option to allow Metamask Snaps to be used as a keystore provider